Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Having troulbe logging on to internet on laptop. PLEASE HELP!!?

My fiancee is out of state, (he is surrounded by the military) and he is currently staying in a motel that have wireless internet. he has be unable to seize online, it shows he has 100 mbps but say there is fixed or no connectivity because the network did not assign a see address to the computer. His roomate as well as other surrounded by the motel can use theirs fine, but there are some guys that are have the same problem as my fiancee. He even tried directly plugging it into the wall and same issues. He is need online for work reasons and not a soul there can numeral it out so I am trying to help via phone.

Please, any suggestions. we arent the most computer saavy populace but know a bit.



If more than one party is having trouble connecting to the trellis, you may want to ask someone in the hotel to power cycle their router. Unplug the power cable from the put money on of the router,wait ten second, and plug it back into the router. After that enjoy your husband reboot his computer and try again. It should take a few minutes for the router reestablish it's nouns to the web.

The answers post by the user, for information lone, does not guarantee the right.

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